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=== Objectives ===
An increasing number of students are making the decision to turn their love of playing video games into a lucrative career in video game development in the Pakistan. This course teaches the core skills for Game Development in Unity 3D.
We are focusing on game development and teach people how to develop games using practical examples.
Video game development is a diverse field with many potential career paths. It is a highly paying skill and has huge demand in IT industry. You’ll learn to build 2D & 3D games, not only will you build games, but you will learn how to do it the way the pros do. We’ll even cover advanced topics like lighting, cinematics, and multiplayer.
=== Class Schedule ===
Saturday 3-5 PM
Sunday 3-5 PM
== Who Should Attend? ===
IT/CS Engineering Students
Final Year Students of CS & IT to develop their Final Year Project
Aspiring game developers seeking to master game development and gain professional competence
Web developers looking for a career change into game development
Students and other individuals looking to start a career in game development
=== Abstract Course Contents ===
Course Outline:
- Introduction to Gaming Industry and Unity
- Introduction to C# and basic concepts implementation in C#, Unity basics and Interface
- Unity Essentials (Saving, Opening Scene, Game Objects, Prefab, Tags, Material, Textures,Colliders)
- Manipulating Scene (Terrain, Camera Setting, Importing Assets and Packages, Exporting, Lightening light rendering,)
- Physics, Physics Material, Rigid body, Colliders, Cloth, Rag Doll)
- Introduction to Scripting using C#.
- Syntax and structure of Scripting (Awake, Start, Update, Declaring variables, If, loops, using prefabs with scripts, Instantiation, Delta Time, Transform, Rotate)
- Scripting Continued (Look At, Follow, OnMouseDown and other functions, Co routines, Oncollision, Event Trigger, OnTrigger, RayCast, Third/First Person Controller and movement)
- Creating Simple AI (Interaction of agents), navmesh agents. Player Prefs, Adding Sounds.
- Particle System and Instantiation of particle system
- Introduction to Animation, Creating Animating Controller. Shooting.
- 2D Game development, Sprite, 2D rigid body, 2d collider etc.
- Creating User Interface. User interface components (Canvas, Button, Image, Text, Scroll bars)
- Deployment of project to Android, Iphone and Desktop. Game Icon, Splash Image and other settings.
- Introduction to VR, Interaction, user interface, movement in VR and deployment.
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