Startup Weekend Karachi 2016

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What is Startup Weekend?

Startup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 1900 past events in 120 countries around the world. As of July 2015, Startup Weekend has reached 135 countries, involving over 210,000 entrepreneurs. 

Event is 54-hours long where developers, designers, marketers, product managers, and startup enthusiasts alike come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch a startup!

Startup Weekend Karachi 2016:

Aplos Innovations and SEED Ventures are organizing Startup Weekend Karachi on the dates of 28th - 30th October 2016. Over 150 passionate startup enthusiasts will be gathered to hack out their next company. They are participants of Startup Weekend, a global movement of entrepreneurs who are crazy about starting a business and building a new company. 

In just 54 hours, participants will form teams, brainstorm, design a product, validate their business idea and pitch in front of experienced judges on Sunday evening. 

There will be 3 distinct events as part of Startup Weekend Karachi:

- Opening Night followed by a Theme Dinner.
- The Working & Mentoring Sessions followed by a Social Night
- The Closing Ceremony followed by a Theme Dinner.

Startup Weekend Karachi has been producing success stories that makes vibes worldwide. One of the ideas pitched at Startup Weekend Karachi 2015, Aerosync has raised $4 million in Series A funding from Seeds Venture in July 2016. 

Do I need to come up with an idea?

If you have an idea for a startup, then great! We hope you pitch for it and gets selected. If you don't have an idea, that's quite alright! Come and spend the weekend, listen to the ideas being pitched, and see if something strikes your interest.

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