Power Of Technology To Challenge Patriarchy

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Eventism & Celebritism series of Kafe Kaam presents another thought stimulating session on April 25, 2018 -5:30-7:30 pm (The last week of April is globally celebrated as "ICTs for Girls" day, we at kaafe kaam are dedicating an evening to this relevant agenda of our times).

With the Distinguished Guest Speaker Mr. Ammar Jaffri

Director General CIT Islamabad, Founder E-Pakistan & Former Addl. DG FIA.
Topic: Promoting Entrepreneurship of Women through Technology

and cybersecurity expert Mr. Khawaja Mohammad Ali

CISA, CRISC / Director ISACA Islamabad
Topic: SheLeadsTech; a global initiative to engage, empower and elevate women in technology

Limited space: book your seat now by sending a confirmatory email at ask@bookitnow.pk

Kindly arrive before 6:00 PM

Ticket info

No Registration Fee required

Venue Detail

Kafe Kaam

F-8 Markaz. 1st floor. al BabarCenter, Islamabad, Pakistan-44000

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