Literary Evening – Literature, Art & Culture

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We , , are a team to provide you with your One Stop Entertainment Solution - With the passion of giving the best , deriving innovation for your ease , inculcating the new trends to let you stay connected with everything happening around.

We are bringing a treat for all your senses; open air, surrounded by the beautiful Margalla hills with the sound of art and music dancing in the vicinity. It will be an evening like none other, an imprint on your soul. So join us on this journey through time and let's delve into the heart of literature, art and culture that mesmerized the world in its time.


06:00PM – 06:05PM : Programme Opening
06:06PM - 06:15PM : Opening Note by Mr. Sanaullah Aman (DG Sports, Culture and Tourism)
06:16PM – 06:30 PM : Narration by Nasir Baig
06:31PM – 06:40PM : Sitar Dhun by Wajih ul Hasnain Nizami
06:41PM – 07:00PM : Narration by Taimoor Rehman
07:01PM – 07:20PM : Narration by Tajdaar Zaidi
07:21PM – 07:30PM : Sitar & Tabla Jugalbandi 
07:31PM – 07:40PM : Distribution of Shields 
07:41PM – 08:00PM : End Note and Closing Session
08:00PM---- : Refreshment and stalls


Venue Detail

Arts and Craft Village, Shakarparian, Islamabad

Arts and Craft Village, Shakarparian, Islamabad

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