Hatha Yoga 2.0 by Alizeh Valjee at Pi & Co.
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Pi & Co. // Health and Fitness Community presents #HathaYoga 2.0 in association with #AlizehValjee presents a beautiful Saturday morning Yoga Session in the greens of our #Coworking // #Community space
When: 17th March 2018
Time: 10:00am- 11:30am
Venue: Pi & Co. (Former Pi Social)
Price: 850 (includes #NutraLov HealthBar)
Hatha yoga aligns the mind and body. It is an inward focused practice that uses breath and traditional yoga poses to improve wellbeing.
Benefits include flexibility, toning of the body, stillness and relaxation, not only during class but in everyday life. It is great for students who would like to cope with stress and anxiety, blood pressure issues, for beginner yoga students, and for anyone curious to explore themselves.
Alizeh Valjee holds a BA. in Psychology & Religion from Mount Holyoke College, an Advanced Diploma in Humanistic Integrative Counselling from CPPD, UK, is a certified freeform movement meditation facilitator and a certified yoga instructor. She co-founded CareForHealth and Taskeen, Karachi based mental and emotional health initiatives, works as a counsellor in private practice, and most recently, leads therapeutic retreats in natu
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Pi Social (Former Verde Bistro Opp Szabist), Karachi

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