Games Emerge Conference, 2018

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We , , are a team to provide you with your One Stop Entertainment Solution - With the passion of giving the best , deriving innovation for your ease , inculcating the new trends to let you stay connected with everything happening around.

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It's our time of the year!
PixelArt Games Academy, the first and premier training institute of Pakistan specializing in Video Game Development, is pleased to announce the Third Games Emerge Conference (GEC) 2018. 
An opportunity for game developers and digital artists to expand their networks and get to know about the new ventures in the market in the only Games Conference of Pakistan!


We are not just having talks, workshops & panel discussions from the national and international industry specialists but this time we are also introducing something that has never happened before in Pakistan on a bigger scale!
GEC is hosting Pakistan Game Showcase - first of its kind event happening in Pakistan. An exhibition of the finest and most entertaining games created by Pakistani game developers will go on both days. The Games Showcase is a platform where local game developers will showcase their creations and reach out to potential investors, publishers, mentors and other members of the games industry. Top three games of the chosen games will be given awards.

This is an opportunity you MUST NOT MISS - 2 days of non stop energies to boost the gaming divo/diva in you!

Venue Detail

National Incubation Center Islamabad

National Incubation Center, Islamabad

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