Career Development Program (CDP)

Education Corporate
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We , , are a team to provide you with your One Stop Entertainment Solution - With the passion of giving the best , deriving innovation for your ease , inculcating the new trends to let you stay connected with everything happening around.

This one or two day training workshop guarantees to give your career a KickStart by embedding valuable skills required to not only target and secure, but to excel in your dream job. The content of this program has been developed, scrutinized and vetted by approximately 20 Senior Management professionals across different industries. You will learn from their lifelong experiences and mistakes, giving you a huge competitive advantage over other candidates in the market. 

Ticket info

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Single Ticket : CDP - Beginners (Day One only): PKR 5,000/- only

Single Ticket : ) CDP - Advanced (Day Two Only): PKR 5,000/- only

Single Ticket : )CDP - Expert (Day One & Two) Discounted: PKR 9,000/- only

Venue Detail

Islamabad Club

Islamabad Club

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