Aachiri Khachiri Karachi

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TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE VENUE (Pakistan American Cultural Center)

Samina Ahmed is a well-known actor and director on stage, television and film. She has been the CEO of Samina Ahmed Productions for over 15 years, producing quality plays for television. She set up the Alhamra puppet theatre in Lahore in her capacity as the Programs Director at the Lahore Arts Council.

Zain Ahmed is a theatre director and is currently a faculty member at the National Academy of Performing Arts in Karachi.  He has directed a number of plays for theatre and television. His plays have been performed in Pakistan and abroad in a number of festivals.

Details about Play:

Aa chiri Kha chiri is a local tale retold in a fun and exciting production.  Full of color and action the story is engaging and informative for children.  The play starts with a young boy eating Khichri with his nani. He wants to remember the name of this delicious dish so he keeps repeating it on his way home.  He meets many different characters on the way and the name of the dish changes many times till all he can remember is Allah reham karay. The different adventures on the way are all full of delightful incidents which will be very entertaining for children and adults alike.


The Cast includes a number of experienced actors many of whom are graduates of the National Academy of Performing Arts in Karachi. The show features Farhan Alam, Kashif Hussain, Haris Khan, Aqeel Ahmed, Ubaid Iqbal and Shabana Hasan.


Dhanak Arts will be performing 4 shows on 2 days on the 26th and 27th of November 2016 at 12:00pm & 4:00pm.

These will be open to the general public through the sale of tickets.

Dhanak Arts will be performing special shows on weekday mornings for schools in Pakistan American Cultural Center (PACC), Saddar. 


Pakistan American Cultural Center, Saddar (PACC Auditorium) Karachi

Ticket price:

Single per person PKR 300

Children above 3 years are allowed

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Ticket info

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Total 4 shows
26 Nov (12:00 pm) : PKR 300

26 Nov (4:00 pm) : PKR 300

27 Nov (12:00 pm) : PKR 300

27 Nov (4:00 pm) : PKR 300
Children Above 3 Years are allowed

Venue Detail

Pakistan American Cultural Center (PACC), Saddar

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