6th Int'l Summit & Awards on Environment, Health & Safety

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6th Int'l Summit & Awards on Environment, Health & Safety

The Professionals Network and Ethical Business Update with the collaboration of various related organizations are very excited to launch The 2020 International Environment, Health & Safety Awards!
The 2020 International Environment, Health & Safety Awards are open to all organizations for their environment, health and safety management at a specific site or business unit. Organisations will have to answer 12 questions about their health and safety management and submit the answers online. View the 2020 questions and the marking scheme on our website www.theprofessionalsnetwork.pk. The application process for the 2020 awards scheme will be closed by 15th August, 2020. 

Eligibility Requirements
These awards are open to companies in the corporate, private, nonprofit and public sectors. Enter your work, the work of your team or submit entries on behalf of your client. Profile your team’s achievements and inspire others to drive real change in the way that businesses approach sustainability by EHS initiatives.

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